What is the Ideal ADA Table Height Requirement?

A blue, metal picnic table with three benches and black legs.

Wausau Tile - Square Modular 3-Bench ADA Table

As an architect or business owner, it's important to understand the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and what accommodations you are required to make for your building’s inhabitants. One of the most common questions we get is about ADA table height requirements.

Let’s take a closer look at the ADA, what the ideal ADA table height requirement is and how our tables at Wausau Tile bring solutions to businesses that require ADA compliance.

What is the ADA?

A footed square pedestal concrete table set with three pedestal benches. A small blue handicapped symbol is visible on the side of the table.

Wausau Tile - Footed Square Pedestal Concrete ADA Compliant Table Set

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is landmark legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in all areas of public life, including employment, education, transportation and other public spaces.

The ADA is made up of five titles (or sections) and each addresses a different aspect of public life:

  • Title I covers private employers with 15 or more employees, state and local governments, employment agencies and labor unions.
  • Title II covers all activities of state and local governments.
  • Title III covers businesses and nonprofit organizations open to the public.
  • Title IV ensures access to telecommunications for people with hearing and speech disabilities.
  • Title V contains various provisions.

The ADA’s purpose is to ensure everyone, regardless of disability, can enjoy the same opportunities.

Does the ADA Set Picnic Table Heights?

A turquoise, metal picnic table with black legs and two benches.

Wausau Tile - 8' Portable ADA Compliant Park Picnic Table

The ADA does not specifically mention picnic tables, however, the table height requirements set forth in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design are widely adopted as the industry standard for picnic tables.

The upper edge of the tabletop should be no higher than 34 inches from the floor. The surface of an accessible table must be no more than 34 inches above the ground and no less than 28 inches above ground level.

A minimum of 27 inches of knee clearance is required between the floor and the underside of the table. Each accessible table is linked to a clear 30- by 48-inch space beneath it, extending 19 inches below the surface for leg and knee clearance.

By moving chairs out of the path of wheelchairs, for example, and otherwise ensuring that the height requirements above are maintained, a business can easily satisfy the criteria. However, fixed tables like picnic tables don't have the benefit of movable seats.

Why Are ADA Table Height Requirements Important?

The reason for the ADA's height requirements is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their height, can use a table or countertop comfortably. The standard heights are based on the average adult height, which is around 5 feet and 9 inches.

However, people of all heights use tables and countertops, so it's important to have a range of heights that are comfortable for everyone. Additionally, the ADA's height requirements ensure that tables and countertops are accessible for people with disabilities. By providing a range of heights, the ADA ensures that everyone can enjoy equal access to tables and countertops.

How Do Wausau Tile’s ADA-Compliant Tables Meet Those Requirements?

A round, concrete table set with three benches and black, metal legs.

Wausau Tile - 3-Seat Round Concrete ADA Compliant Table Set with Metal Legs

At Wausau Tile, our ADA-compliant tables easily meet the height requirements set forth in the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The upper edge of the tabletop is no higher than 34 inches from the floor, and the surface of an accessible table is no more than 34 inches above the ground

A minimum of 27 inches of knee clearance is required between the floor and the underside of the table. Each accessible table is linked to a clear 30- by 48-inch space beneath it, extending 19 inches below the surface for leg and knee clearance. With various heights available, our ADA-compliant tables are perfect for businesses that want to ensure that everyone can enjoy their products or services.

Wausau Tile Has an Extensive Selection of Picnic Tables

A courtyard with a metal table surrounded by three cube-shaped concrete seats.

Wausau Tile - Straight River Rest Area

Whether you need outdoor seating for a fast-food restaurant, an intimate café patio, a corporate campus or a park setting, we have the perfect table for any outdoor need. With an extensive assortment of ADA-compliant styles and configurations that seat between one and eight people, along with surface-mount, in-ground and portable options, you can be sure to find the right option to meet your project’s needs. Our tables also come in various colors and materials, which allows you to find the picture-perfect choice.

To learn more about Wausau Tile’s ADA-compliant tables, please Contact us today. Our team would be happy to answer any questions you may have.